Ruko Arcadia

Ruko Arcadia is one of the shophouse areas in Galuh Mas that has a high investment potential. Having its own charm, Ruko Arcadia visited by both residents of Galuh Mas and the surrounding community of Karawang. Moreover, this shophouse area is located near the Rukost, as well as Karawang Regional General Hospital (RSUD) and only a step away from the Galuh Mas commercial area and the Karawang town square.

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Why Choose Ruko Arcadia

Guaranteed quality and modern design
Located at the main street of Galuh Mas Raya
Near residential area
Near commercial area and hundreds of culinary spots
Located in front of Karawang General Hospital and near Permata Keluarga Hospital

Why Choose Ruko Arcadia

Guaranteed quality and modern design
Located at the main street of Galuh Mas Raya
Near residential area
Near commercial area and hundreds of culinary spots
Located in front of Karawang General Hospital and near Permata Keluarga Hospital

Interested in Ruko Arcadia?

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